Cold Noodles/冷面


This is an excellent dish for party. It has been my favor party dish so far. Also if you don’t have any appetite for food in the hot summer time, this is a great choice to bring your appetite back. Enjoy.

Sesame paste 1 tbsp
Oyster sauce 1 tbsp
Balsamic vinegar 1 tbsp
Sugar 1/2tbsp
White pepper a little bit
Hot Water 4 tbsp
Hot oil ½ tbsp.
Extra virgin olive oil 1 tbsp

Red Shallots oil  1/2tbsp


Some shredded cucumber, carrot, scallion and chicken breast (I used roast chicken I bought from Costco)
Precook any kind of noodles that you prefer for this dish(sauce here is only good for one bowl of noodles for one person only) in boiling water . I love to do wudong Noodles or Shanghai noodels. After the noodle is ready rinse it with cold water until it is cold.
Melt sesame paste in hot water really well first, then add the rest ingredients for sauce together.  Mix the sauce with the noodles and vegetables. Crush some roast peanuts for decoration on top of the noodles. (white sesame would be good too)

Tip: It is very important that you use balsamic vinegar for this dish. If you don’t like it sweet, leave the sugar out.

芝麻酱 1 湯匙
蚝油 1 湯匙
Balsamic香醋 1 湯匙
糖 1/2 湯匙
熱水 4 湯匙
特級橄欖油 1 湯匙

红葱油1/2 tbsp

小黃瓜、 胡蘿蔔、 蔥、 雞胸脯肉 (我用我從 Costco 買的烤雞)切丝
你可用任何種類的麵條(这里的酱汁僅限一人一碗面,我喜歡做乌東面條或上海面條。) 在沸水中煮熟后放冷水中冲冷捞起。。
先把芝麻糊融化在熱水裡,要不停的搅拌,接着加醬汁所需所有其餘成分在一起。 然後把酱料拌入面条与其它的材料就可吃了。撒些白芝麻或花生碎在上面更好。

一定要用balsamic 醋来做这道菜。 不喜欢甜的就不加糖了。

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