Pumpkin Cheese Cake/南瓜芝士蛋糕


Ingredients: 500 g cream cheese, pumpkin 270 g, eggs 2 egg yolks 2, 120 g sugar, lemon zest half, 60 grams of milk, cinnamon ½ tea spoon

Graham crackers 150 g, butter 80 g

Bake: preheat oven to 350 degrees, water bath and bake for 1.5-2 hours.

  1. Start by making the graham bottom first, put all the graham crackers in a zip log bag and roll into fine powder, and mix well with melted butter and spread it over the bottom of the cake pan, and flatten it with the back of the spoon. Bake in a preheated 350F oven for 7 minutes.
  1. Spoon all pumpkin seeds out, cut pumpkin into small pieces and steamed (or go two or three minutes in the microwave oven) until easily pierced through with chopsticks. Spoon pumpkin meat out with a spoon then smash it.
  1. Cream cheese softened in room temperature, add sugar then use an electronic mixer whisk off to a smooth condition.
  1. Add the eggs and egg yolks, whisk eggs and cheese to a really smooth condition. Add egg one at a time.
  1. Pour the pumpkin paste to egg and cream cheese mixture and mix well.
  2. Pour the milk, cinnamon, lemon zest and mix together until it form a fluffy cheesecake batter.
  1. Pour the batter into the bottom of the cake pan.
  1. Wrap the spring form pan with an aluminum foil and place it in the pan that is full of water, water needs to cover at least ½ of the spring form pan. Put the Pan in a preheated 350F degree oven and bake for about 1.5-2 hours, or until cake is completely solid, and the surface is slightly golden brown. (I’m using heavy duty aluminum foil so I baked 2 hours; every oven is different so you really need to bake accordingly. After 1.5 hours stick a tooth pick into the center of the cake, if the tooth pick comes out clean that means the cake is ready)

9. After the cake cools, refrigerate for 4 hours or more and it is ready to serve.

This recipe is based on JunZhi’s pumpkin cheese cake recipe with some changes.








卤猪头肉/Stew Pig’s Head Meat

猪头肉 1磅
老抽1/4 杯
生抽 ¼ 杯
水 ½ 杯
可乐1/2 杯
Stewed pig’s head meat
Pig’s head meat 1 pound
Dark soy sauce ¼ Cup
Light soy sauce ¼ Cup
Water ½ Cup
Coke ½ cup
Star Anise 3 pieces
Dried orange peel 1 piece
Chinese corn pepper 1 teaspoon
White Pepper a little bit
Rock Sugar 50 g
Cooking wine 1 tablespoon
Ginger 3 slices

Pull all the hair out of the meat and clean really well, then precook in boiling water for a few minutes (It took me at least 2 hours to pull all the hair out, I love the meat too much) place all ingredients together into a pot and bring to boil then add the meat then turn heat low to simmer the meat for about 30 minutes. Recommend to chill the meat in the refrigerator overnight then slice. It tastes better when serve cold.

草莓芝士蛋糕/Strawberry Cheese Cake





Strawberry cheesecake (reference weight: 6 inch round spring form pan)
Graham cookies 80 g butter 40 g
Plain cheese batter: cream cheese 75 grams, Heavy cream 75 g, milk 50 g, 3 g gelatin powder, 25 g sugar, lemon juice 10 g

Strawberry cheese batter: cream cheese 75, heavy cream 75 g, 100 g fresh strawberries, gelatin powder 3 grams, 25 g sugar, lemon juice 10 g

1. Start by making the graham bottom first, put all the graham cookies in a zip log bag and roll into fine powder, and mix well with melted butter and spread it over the bottom of the cake pan, and flatten it with the back of the spoon. Bake in a preheated 350F oven for 7 minutes.

2. The gelatin powder for both strawberry cheese and plain cheese batter each put into a small bowl with some of heavy cream (20-30 grams) to melt them.

3. Blend the rest of cream cheese, milk, whipping cream, sugar, lemon juice in a Blender until fluffy. Heat up the gelatin powder then Pour some fluffy cheese paste to the gelatin solution.

4. Mix well then pour back to the cheese paste, blend it again until fluffy. Plain cheese batter is ready.

5. It is pretty much the same method for making strawberry cheese batter. Blend strawberry and cream cheese, whipping cream, sugar and lemon juice together until fluffy.

6. Heat up gelatin powder into a gelatin solution, get some strawberry paste into the gelatin solution, stir and pour it back into the cheese paste and blend a little more.

7. Put both batter in the refrigerator for a while until they become thick and syrupy.

8. First pour half Strawberry cheese batter, then half plain cheese batter, again pour the remaining half strawberry cheese batter and finally pour the other half plain cheese batter.

9. After pouring, mixing with a chopstick for the patterns. Then put in the refrigerator for several hours, until it is complete solid. Wrap around a cake pan with a hot towel for a few minutes, you can easily release the cake.

This recipe is based on JunZhi’s cherry cheesecake with a little change. Personally I prefer it to be layered with chiffon cake like a mousse cake; it will taste better because it is very delicate and soft. So, I will share with you if I make one like that.

Potato Meat Balls/土豆鱼丸



土豆650 克

木薯粉200 克

糯米粉10 克

花生油 1大勺


猪肉糜350 克















  1. Skin

Potato 650 g

Tapioca Starch 200 g

Sticky rice powder 10 g

Peanut oil 1 tablespoon

  1. Meat dough

Ground pork 350 g

Dark Soy sauce 4 tablespoons

Green Onion 4 tablespoons

Sugar-2 tbsp

Cooking wine 2 tea spoon

Sesame oil 1 teaspoon

Potato starch 2 tbsp

Mix Sticky rice flour and 1 tbsp water then cook in a small pot of boil water.

Mix all the ingredients in #2.

Potatoes cut in halves then cook in water, remove and Peel the skin when ready. Pour all peeled potatoes back into a large pot mash them, add potato starch, peanut oil, sticky rice ball we just cooked and a tea spoon of salt keep kneading and mixing until they become very smooth. You can add a little bit of potato starch if you feel they are sticky during the processor.

Evenly divide potato skin dough into 30-40 pieces depends on how big you want the potato balls to be, cover with a wet towel. Also divide the ground pork into 30-40 little balls.

Take a potato dough and roll between your thumb and index fingers and make a hole in the center of the potato dough then put a meatball in it, and then wrap it up. Boil them in the boiling water for about 10 minutes. Steam the potato balls over the boiling water for 10 minutes if you’re like me who is not very confident in wrapping balls ( so they won’t break during the cooking process).

After you steam them pour into broth then seasoned with salt and chicken powder, seaweed and dried baby shrimps.

This is my “N” times making potato balls, I was never too satisfied until today. This ground pork recipe is provided by 田园时光 which is really delicious. Thanks to her. Adding sticky rice dough is to make the potato ball’s skin more resilient also easier to wrap, but do not add too much otherwise it is going to be very sticky. Add peanut oil so if you freeze potato meatballs (if you can’t finish everything) the skin will not crack later. Add seaweed in the meat is also very good.

大理石纹芝士蛋糕/Marble Cheese Cake


最近瘋於製作芝士蛋糕了。我找到一个君之的乳酪蛋糕食譜 ; 這個食譜相對容易也美味。

配料:奶油芝士(cream cheese)200克,细砂糖20克(加入芝士)+40克(加入蛋清),动物性鲜奶油100克,鸡蛋2个,低筋面粉25克


10、如果是活底模,在蛋糕模周围包一到两层锡纸(防止底部进水)。烤盘里加入热水,将蛋糕模放在水里(水的高度最好能超过蛋糕糊高度的一半)。将烤盘放 入预热好上下火160℃的烤箱中层,烤1个小时左右,直到表面为金黄色即可出炉。出炉后的蛋糕,冷却后,放入冰箱冷藏4个小时再脱模切块。



I am recently crazy about making Cheese cakes. I got this recipe from one of junzhi’s cheese cake recipes; it is relatively easy and delicious.

“Marble cheese cake” (6 inch round springform pan)

Ingredients: cream cheese 200 g sugar 20 g (add to cream cheese), +40 g (Add to egg white), and heavy cream 100 g, 2 eggs, cake flour 25 g

10 g of dark chocolate and heavy cream 5 g

Baking: the water bath method, 160 ℃ (320F) 1 hour

  1. 1 Separate egg yolks and whites (container must be clean, oil-free and water free). Cream cheese, softened at room temperature (winter time you can demineralize it with heated water or softened in the microwave), add 20 g sugar, egg yolks, use electronic mixer whisk to a smooth condition.
  2. Add the sifted cake flour, whisk evenly.
  3. Add 100 grams of heavy cream, whisk evenly. Don’t add cream all at once, add little by little
  4. Add in granulated sugar in 3 separated times, until egg white form a curved horn shape when you pull out the electronic mixer. Make sure you clean the head of mixer and dry them really well for egg whites.
  5. Pour egg whites into the cheese paste.
  1. Fast fold up the mixture from the bottom with a rubber spatula. Don’t mix them in a circle.
  2. Gently fold in the cheesecake batter into a spring form cake pan. (spray a little bit of oil spray inside the spring form pan )
  3. Combine10 grams of dark chocolate and 5 grams of heavy cream into a decorating bag, put in hot water to soak and hand knead to make dark chocolate melt into a liquid form by heat. Wipe off water on the decorating bag, and then cut a small hole on one side of the bag, squeeze horizontal stripes to the surface of the cheesecake.
  4. With the help of a toothpick cut through the horizontal stripes back and forth lightly in vertical lines to form marble lines.
  5. Wrap a layer of aluminum foil around the cake Pan (to prevent the water inlet at the bottom). Pour some very hot water into the pan, place the cake pan in the water (water should reach at least half the height of the cake pan). Put the baking tray into a preheated 320 F oven in the middle rack and bake about 1 hour or until the surface is golden brown. After the cake cools, refrigerate for 4 hours before serving.

Basil Chicken/三杯鸡


• 鸡肉2.5 磅
• 大葱 (1根)
• 蒜 (3粒)
• 干辣椒 (3个)
• 生姜 (1小块)
• 芝麻油 (2汤匙)
• 植物油 (2汤匙)
• 绍兴花雕酒 (6汤匙)
• 生抽 (4汤匙)
• 老抽 (4汤匙)
• 冰糖 (15克)
• 九层塔 15 片叶子
锅中先下2汤匙的植物油,待其5成热时,再加 2汤匙的芝麻油。




• Chicken 2.5 lb
• Scallions (1 )
• The garlic (3 cloves )
• Dried chilies (3 pieces)
• The Ginger (3 slices)
• The sesame oil (2 tbsp)
• The vegetable oil (2 tbsp)
• Shaoxing cooking wine (6 tablespoons)
• Light soy sauce (4 tablespoons)
• dark soy sauce (4 tablespoons)
• Rock sugar (15 g)
• Basil leaves 15 pieces

Chicken cut into chunks, precook in boiling water for a few minutes, rinse and drain
Starting with 2 tablespoons of vegetable oil in the Pan to medium high heat, then add 2 tablespoons of sesame oil, then add scallion, ginger, garlic and chilli.
Sauté until aromatic, add chicken and stir fry for a few minutes.
Add basil leaves.
Add 6 tablespoons of cooking wine.
Add 4 tablespoons of dark soy sauce.
Add 4 tablespoons of light soy sauce.
15 grams of rock sugar, stir.
Cover the pot, bring to a simmer and cook until the sauce is thickening up.

1. We only use cooking wine, soy sauces, oil, don’t add water and salt.

2. Sesame oil is the key ingredient in this dish.

3. Don’t heat up sesame oil to a very high temperature.

4. Make sure you simmer this dish; open the lid as little as possible, avoiding the loss of aroma.

腐皮卷/Dried Tofu Skin Rolls






粉丝2 Oz

袋装红油香笋1 杯







猪肉加白胡椒,盐, 鸡粉和料酒腌半个钟头。

在一炒锅中加4 汤勺油烧热后加入猪肉炒到颜色变白起锅备用。接着加入其他的材料快火炒煮3, 4分钟,加入1/3 茶勺的盐,1汤勺的料酒和1茶勺的鸡粉加入猪肉炒匀起锅。


在一锅里烧开一些水,把腐皮卷放盘子里格水蒸5,6 分钟。

在另一锅中加半杯的鸡汤,加适量的盐,鸡粉香油调味,加3,4 汤勺的水淀粉打成薄芡淋在腐皮卷上。

Lean pork 1/2 pound

2 pieces of dried tofu skin

Carrot half

Dried Black fungus and dried mushroom (probably after steep one cup each)

Dried cellophane noodles 2 Oz

Bamboo shoots in Chili oil 1 cup

Shredded Ginger a few pieces

Scallion a few pieces( some shredded, some keep the whole green part)

Dried vegetables soaked overnight in cold water, wash clean.

Cut all the ingredients into fine strips.

Cellophane noodles cook in boiling water for a few minutes cutting short standby.

Whole scallion also cooks in the same boiling water for about 5 seconds.

Pork marinate with white pepper, salt, chicken powder and cooking wine for half an hour.

Add 4 tablespoons of oil in a wok heat it up a bit then add pork and stir-fried until color turn white then set aside. Then add the other ingredients stir-fried for 3, 4 minutes, add one-third teaspoons of salt, 1 tablespoon cooking wine and 1 teaspoon of chicken powder add pork and mix well.

Cut dried tofu skin into small squares. With a piece of kitchen paper towels soaked in water then mop it over the dried tofu skin to soften it up a bit. Add a small amount of the pork and vegetable mixture to the tofu skin then wrapped up like a spring roll. Use scallion to tie up the roll in the middle.

Boil some water in a pot, steamed all the rolls on plates over the water for 5, 6 minutes.

In another pan, add half a cup of chicken broth, add a pinch of salt, sesame oil and chicken powder, and add 3 to 4 tablespoons of starch water to form a thin sauce then pour over tofu skin rolls.

Strawberry Jam/草莓果酱



2 pound fresh strawberries

¼ cup sugar

½ cup water

Orange zest 1 teaspoon

Cut strawberries into small pieces then add sugar, water and orange zest all together and bring it to boil, turn the heat down and simmer for one hour.


2 磅新鮮的草莓

¼ 杯糖


橙子皮末1 茶匙

把草莓切成小塊然後把糖、 水和橙子皮末都加在一起,把它煮開,轉小火,用文火煮一小時。

20-Layer Green Tea Crepe Cake/千层绿茶蛋糕


20-Layer Crepe Cake – Mille Crêpes Cake Recipe by Ellen Easton

Here is the link to the original recipe:  http://whatscookingamerica.net/EllenEaston/20-LayerCrepeCake.htm

This is my second time making a crepe cake, I am using Ellen Easton’s recipe. It turned out to be a lot better than the one I used last time. The only difference is: I made the green tea flavor by adding 3.5 TBSP of green tea powder in the batter. I did rearrange the recipe so it is easier to fellow. It is easier than you may think. Just follow the recipe and you will be fine.

Crepe Batter (see recipe below)
Pastry Crème Filling (see recipe below)
2.5 cups heavy cream
1 tablespoon granulated sugar
Powdered (confectioners’) sugar

The day before making and assembling the cake, make the Crepe Batter and the Pastry Crème Filling (see recipes below); refrigerate.

Crepe Batter:
6 tablespoons butter
3 cups milk
6 eggs
1 1/2 cups all-purpose  flour
7 tablespoons granulated sugar
Pinch salt
In a small pan, melt the butter until lightly browned; remove from heat and set aside.
In a separate, small pan, warm the milk until steaming; remove from heat and set aside to allow to cool slightly.
In a large bowl using your electric mixer at a low speed, mix together the eggs, flour, sugar, and salt. Slowly add in the warm milk and browned butter. Pour the batter into a tightly-sealed container to refrigerate for several hours or overnight.

Pastry Crème Filling:
1 egg
1 tablespoon low gluten wheat  flour
2 tablespoons granulated sugar
1 tablespoon cornstarch
1 cup milk
1 teaspoon pure vanilla extract
1 teaspoon hot water
2 tablespoons heavy cream, whipped
In a small bowl, add egg, flour, sugar, and cornstarch; beat until smooth.
In a saucepan over low heat, bring milk almost to a boil (simmer). Immediately remove from heat and slowly whisk the milk into the egg mixture. Return all ingredients to the saucepan, while constantly stirring, for about 5 minutes, until thickened and just comes to a boil.
Remove from the heat. Add vanilla extract and hot water; stir until dissolved into the mixture. Set aside to cool until firm.
When the Pastry Crème has cooled, fold in the whipped cream.
Refrigerate mixture until thick (best if refrigerated overnight).
Remove the prepared Crepe Batter from the refrigerator and bring to room temperature:

Using a nonstick pan over medium heat. Evenly distribute approximately ¼ cup of batter; swirl to cover the surface of the pan. Cook approximately 40 seconds or just until the bottom of the crepe becomes lightly browned. Using your clean fingers, gently and carefully flip the crepe over and Cook on the other side for 20 more seconds. Remove the cooked crepe onto a prepared baking sheet or a big plate.
Repeat this process until you have at least 20 perfect crepes. NOTE: You might need to prepare a few practice crepes in the beginning.

Remove the prepared Pastry Crème Filling from the refrigerator:
Whip the 2.5 cups of heavy cream with the 1 tablespoon sugar. Gently fold the whipped cream into the prepared chilled and thickened Pastry Crème Filling.

Assembly of 20-Layer Crepe Cake:
Place one (1) prepared crepe on a large cake plate.
With a small spatula or wide blade knife, completely cover the crepe with a thin layer of the pastry cream mixture (approximately 1/4 cup).
Cover with another dry crepe and repeat covering with the Pastry Crème until you have reached 20 layers.
The 20th crepe will be the last or top layer.

Refrigerate the cake for a minimum of 2 hours. Allow to stand at room temperature for 15 to 30 minutes before serving. Dust with powdered (confectioners’ sugar).

千层蛋糕 — —由埃倫 • 伊斯頓提供

原方在此: http://whatscookingamerica.net/EllenEaston/20-LayerCrepeCake.htm

這是我第二次做千层蛋糕,我使用的是艾倫 • 伊斯頓的食譜。它比我前一次用的要好很多。其中有一两处我该了一下:我在麵糊裡添加 3.5 湯匙綠茶粉, 面上撒了绿茶粉, 我加了奶油的量到2杯半。它比你想像的要容易。只需按照食譜再加一些耐性。好好享受吧 !

糕點奶油糊 (見下面食譜)
2.5 杯奶油
1 大匙,砂糖
糖粉 少许

製作蛋糕前一天做千层蛋糕糊和糕點奶油糊 冷藏起來最好。

6 湯匙黃油
3 杯牛奶
6 個雞蛋
1 1/2 杯低筋小麦粉
7 大湯匙砂糖

在一小平底鍋,融化黃油直到淺金黃色 ;關火,待用。
在一個小的平底鍋,暖牛奶直到有蒸汽 稍微晾涼。
在一個大碗里,用電動攪拌機低速攪拌雞蛋、 麵粉、 糖和鹽。慢慢加入熱牛奶和黃油。把麵糊倒入密封的容器,放冰箱冷藏幾個小時或过夜。

1 個雞蛋
1 大湯匙面粉
2 大湯匙砂糖
1 湯匙生粉
1 杯牛奶
1 茶匙純香草精
1 茶匙熱水
2 大湯匙奶油,打发

在一隻小碗,加入雞蛋、 麵粉、 糖和生粉 ;打至光滑。
在平底鍋裡低温把牛奶幾乎煮沸 。並慢慢攪拌牛奶到雞蛋混合物中。倒回所有成分到平底鍋裡不斷攪拌,大約 5 分鐘,直到變稠。
關火。加入香草精和熱水 ;攪拌,直到溶解到混合物中。放在一邊冷卻。
冷藏混合物,直到變稠 变凝固(最好冷藏一夜)。
從冰箱取出準備的千层蛋糕糊 至室內溫度:
中火用不粘鍋。在锅内均勻分佈大約 ¼ 杯麵糊 ;渦流,以覆蓋锅的表面。第一面40秒左右或直到底部千层蛋糕皮成為淺金黃色。使用乾淨的手指,輕輕地翻开千层蛋糕皮翻转到另一邊继续煎20 秒鐘。放到準備好的烤盤上。 重複此過程,直到你有 20 张完美的薄餅。注:刚开始时您可能需要做幾张练练手。

用打蛋器打2.5 杯的濃奶油和 1 湯匙糖。輕輕地把奶油糊加入到打发的濃奶油里。

20 層的千层蛋糕:
大蛋糕板上放置一张 千层蛋糕皮。
用另一张千层蛋糕皮覆蓋並重複这个过程,直到達到 20 層。

冷藏至少 2 小時。放在室溫 15 至 30 分鐘。當準備食用时撒上糖粉。

Chicken Balls/鸡肉丸



  • 鸡胸肉 (300 克)
  • 猪肉碎 (100 克)


  • 猪油板 (50克)
  • 食盐 (1茶勺)
  • 白胡椒粉 (1/4茶勺)
  • 葱姜水 (1/4 杯)
  • 蛋清 (半个)
  • 地瓜粉(3大勺)




抓一些鸡茸在手里,拿一小块猪肉放在鸡茸上面靠近虎口的地方,然后从拇指和食指中间把鸡肉包住猪肉挤成丸子用粘过水的汤勺接住,放入微微滚得汤水中煮大概6,7 分钟。加鸡粉,盐紫菜青葱调味。


Main ingredient

  • Chicken breast (300 g)
  • Ground Pork (100 g)
  • Pork fat (50 g)
  • salt (1 teaspoon)
  • White pepper (one-fourth teaspoons)
  • Ginger water (1/4 cup)
  • The egg white (half)
  • Potato flour (3 tablespoons)

Dice chicken then blend it in a blender with egg white, salt, white pepper, potato starch and onion ginger water for a few minutes. Cut pork fat then chop evenly then mix with minced chicken.

Mix the chicken and pork fat in the same direction for at least 20 minutes, the longer you mix it the better result will be.

Mix pork with a little soy sauce, sugar, chicken powder, green onion and mix well.

Grab some chicken in hand, take a small piece of pork on top of mashed chicken place close to index finger and thumb, and then from the middle of the thumb and index finger wrapped pork into chicken to form a meatball then carry it away with a watered spoon. Cook it in almost boiling broth or water for about 6, 7 minutes. Season it with chicken powder, salt and seaweed.