Pork Jerky/肉脯

Chinese New Year is coming, so I made this pork Jerky today for the holiday.

Ground pork 1150 g (lean pork preferred)

Oyster sauce 2 tbsps

Light soy sauce 2 tbsps

Dark soy sauce 1 tbsp

Cooking wine 2 tbsps

Sugar 100 g

Fish sauce 2 tbsps

Five spice powder 1tsp

White pepper powder 1/2 tsp

Red yeast rice powder 1tbsp (optional for color)


Mix all the ingredients together and mix in one direction for 3,4 minutes or until meat is very sticky.

Refrigerate for at least 1 hour ( I did over night).

Preheat oven to 350F.

Get a piece of parchment paper the size of cooking sheet, add 1/5 of the meat to the center of the paper and use a spatula to spread it a little bit, then add a piece of plastic wrap or another piece of parchment paper over the meat. Use a rolling pin to roll the meat thinner over the paper to the size of the baking sheet.

Remove the plastic wrap or parchment paper from the top of the meat, and move the meat to a baking sheet.

Bake it in the preheated oven for 12 minutes, take it out and brush a layer of honey on the top. Go back into the oven and continue to bake another 5 minutes. (if you see broth now make sure to empty it from the baking sheet)

After 5 minutes, take it out again and flip the pork jerky to the other side and brush with a layer of honey too, also sprinkle some sesame seeds all over it. Go back to the oven for the last 5 minutes.

Take the pork jerky out and let it cool down, cut the irregular edges off, then cut them into any shape you want.


豬肉碎 1150 g (偏瘦的豬肉)

蠔油 2 湯匙

生抽 2 湯匙

老抽 1 湯匙

料酒 2 湯匙

糖 100 克

魚露 2 湯匙

五香粉 1茶匙

白胡椒粉 1/2茶匙

紅曲米粉 1湯匙 (可不要,加顏色的)






把蓋在肉上面的薄膜或者羊皮紙拿掉, 把肉移到烤盤上。

在預熱烤箱中烘烤12分鐘,拿出來,刷上一層蜂蜜。回到烤箱繼續烤5分鐘。(如果你現在看到湯汁, 要記得倒掉)



Pork Meat Balls/貢丸

Grounded Pork 650 g

Corn starch 45 g

Salt 10 g

Fish sauce 1 tbsp

Baking powder 1tsp

white pepper 1/2 tsp

Water 180ml


Add everything to a stand mixer bowl and mix everything with speed 4 for 15 minutes.

Bring some water to warm ( not hot or boil) and turn the heat to the lowest.

Do as below then use a spoon to scope out the meat balls to the warm water.

Don’t let the water become boil, only slowly simmer for about 15 minutes. I made about 30 meat balls.

Take the meat balls out of the water and let them cool down.

You can bring the water to boil and cook the meat balls in it now, but I find them taste much better after you refrigerate them for a couple of hours. They will become more elastic and more flavorful.