Popcorn Ribs/椒盐排骨


This is one of my favor dishes, I love ribs so much, and I also love deep fried food, this is the perfect combination of both.  the secret to this dish to be so crispy are the paste and water chestnut starch. Of course make sure you fry them twice. But if you use chicken thigh instead to make popcorn chicken, it will taste really delicious too.

Ribs 350g

Salt 1/2tsp

Cooking wine 2tsps

Chicken bouillon 1/2tsp

Water chestnut starch 1/3 cup

Chinese basil leaves 15pieces

Oil 3 cups



Flour 3tbsps

Water 4tbsps

Salt a pinch

Dry Spice mix:

5spice powder 1/3tsp

White pepper 1/3 tsp

Sichuan peppercorns powder 1/3 tsp

Salt 1tsp


Cut the ribs into small pieces and marinate them with salt, cooking wine and chicken bouillon for at least 30 minutes.

Mix everything for paste together and mix well.

Mix everything for dry spice together too.

After marinate the ribs for 30 minutes, add all the paste to the ribs and mix well.

Dip the ribs with water chestnut starch piece by piece.

In a cooking pan add all the oil and heat it up to about 300F, deep fry half the ribs at a time in the oil for about 3-4 minutes.

Heat up the oil to about 355F, then deep frying all the ribs again in the oil for one minute.

Deep fry the basil in the oil for about 10 seconds.

Get the ribs in a big deep bowl, sprinkle the dry spice mix and the fried basil to the ribs and shake it up a little bit so the spices will be evenly distributed. If you like the rib to be more flavorful then you can sprinkle a little more of the spices.




盐1/2 茶匙


鸡精1/2 茶匙

马蹄粉1/3 杯










5香 粉末1/3 茶匙

白胡椒1/3 茶匙

四川花椒粉1/3 茶匙



把排骨切成小块, 用盐、料酒和鸡精腌至少30分钟。

将面糊材料全混在一起, 并搅拌好。


将排骨腌30分钟后, 把面糊加到排骨里, 拌匀。


在锅中加入所有的油加热到约 300F, 先将一半的排骨在油中炸约3-4 分钟,炸完了再炸另一半。

把油加热到大约 355F, 然后将所以的排骨在油里再炸一分钟。


把排骨放在一个大的深碗里, 把干香料和炸好的九层塔洒到排骨上, 稍微摇动一下, 这样香料就会均匀地粘在排骨上了。你喜欢味道重一点的就多撒一点香料。

Durian Crepe Cake/榴莲千层蛋糕



Recently I see so many people eating Durian crepe cake, it makes me wonder how it will taste like. So last Saturday I bought a big frozen durian home and decided to make one myself. Before I assembled the cake, the cream mixture looked kind of runny to me; I started to worry a little, but decided to finish it anyway. After I finished assembling, the cake was kind of shaky like pudding: jiggling around. I was like man this is going to be bad!!! However, when I eat it today I was shocked, the cake didn’t need to stay in room temperature for 15 minutes, it was ready to eat fresh out of the refrigerator. It tasted so GOOD, so soft and creamy, so fully of the fragrance of durian (of course only if you like durian). It is the exact Lady M crepe cake feeling I’ve been looking for. It is better than Lady M now (just kidding)!!!!!

Mille Crêpes Cake Recipe by Ellen Easton. I made some changes to the original recipe.

Here is the link to the original recipe:  http://whatscookingamerica.net/EllenEaston/20-LayerCrepeCake.htm

The day before making and assembling the cake, make the Crepe Batter and the Pastry Crème Filling (see recipes below); refrigerate.

Crepe Batter:
6 tablespoons butter
3 cups milk
6 eggs
1 1/2 cups all-purpose  flour
7 tablespoons granulated sugar
Pinch salt

In a small pan, melt the butter until lightly browned; remove from heat and set aside.
In a separate, small pan, warm the milk until steaming; remove from heat and set aside to allow to cool slightly.
In a large bowl using your electric mixer at a low speed, mix together the eggs, flour, sugar, and salt. Slowly add in the warm milk and browned butter. Pour the batter into a tightly-sealed container to refrigerate for several hours or overnight.

Pastry Crème Filling:
1 egg
1 tablespoon all-purpose flour
2 tablespoons granulated sugar
1 tablespoon cornstarch
1 cup milk
1 teaspoon pure vanilla extract
1 teaspoon hot water
2 tablespoons heavy cream, whipped
In a small bowl, add egg, flour, sugar, and cornstarch; beat until smooth.
In a saucepan over low heat, bring milk almost to a boil (simmer). Immediately remove from heat and slowly whisk the milk into the egg mixture. Return all ingredients to the saucepan, while constantly stirring, for about 5 minutes, until thickened and just comes to a boil.
Remove from the heat. Add vanilla extract and hot water; stir until dissolved into the mixture. Set aside to cool until firm.
When the Pastry Crème has cooled, fold in the whipped cream.
Refrigerate mixture until thick (best if refrigerated overnight).


Remove the prepared Crepe Batter from the refrigerator and bring to room temperature. Heating up a nonstick skillet over medium heat. Evenly distribute approximately ¼ cup of batter; swirl to cover the surface of the pan. Cook approximately 40 seconds or just until the bottom of the crepe becomes lightly browned. Using your clean fingers, gently and carefully flip the crepe over and Cook on the other side for 20 more seconds. Remove the cooked crepe onto a prepared baking sheet or a big plate.
Repeat this process until you have at least 20 perfect crepes. I usually end up making around 25-27 pieces 7 inches diameter crepes.

Durian and heavy cream mixture:

400g of heavy cream

2 tablespoons of sugar

450g Durian puree


Remove the prepared Pastry Crème Filling from the refrigerator.

Whip heavy cream with the sugar until it reaches firm peak.

Gently fold the whipped cream into the Durian puree, after mix them well, fold the mixture to the prepared chilled and thickened Pastry Crème Filling. If it is runny, refrigerate it for a couple of hours.

Assembly of 20-Layer Crepe Cake:
Place one (1) prepared crepe on a large cake plate.
With a small spatula or wide blade knife, completely cover the crepe with a thin layer of the pastry cream mixture (approximately 1/4 cup).
Cover with another piece of dry crepe and repeat the above process until you have reached 20 layers.
The 20th crepe will be the last or top layer.

Refrigerate the cake for a minimum of 2 hours before serving. Dust with powdered (confectioners’ sugar) and garnish it with berries.


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最近老看到别人吃榴莲千层蛋糕,搞的我很想吃。上个礼拜六出去买了个大榴莲回家决定做一个。 做好蛋糕抹层的奶油后我有点当心因为好像看起来太稀了但是还是决定做完它。 蛋糕层层搭起之后看起有点像果冻一样颤颤巍巍的,我想完蛋了,可能榴莲太稀了。放冰箱过夜后第二天吃的时候发现, 好吃的不得了一点也不会稀,也不要像之前一样要放外面15分钟才可以吃。 我感觉比Lady M 还要好吃了。 好有成就感!!!

製作蛋糕前一天做千层蛋糕糊和糕點奶油糊 冷藏起來。

6 湯匙黃油
3 杯牛奶
6 個雞蛋
1 1/2 杯中筋面粉
7 大湯匙砂糖

在一小平底鍋,融化黃油直到淺金黃色 ;關火,待用。
在一個大碗里,用電動攪拌機低速攪拌雞蛋、 麵粉、 糖和鹽。慢慢加入熱牛奶和黃油。把麵糊倒入密封的容器,放冰箱冷藏幾個小時或过夜。

1 個雞蛋
1 大湯匙面粉
2 大湯匙砂糖
1 湯匙生粉
1 杯牛奶
1 茶匙純香草精
1 茶匙熱水
2 大湯匙奶油,打发

在一隻小碗,加入雞蛋、 麵粉、 糖和生粉 ;打至光滑。
在平底鍋裡低温把牛奶幾乎煮沸 。並慢慢攪拌牛奶到雞蛋混合物中。再倒回到平底鍋裡不斷攪拌,大約 5 分鐘,直到變稠。
關火。加入香草精和熱水 ;攪拌,直到溶解到混合物中。放在一邊冷卻。
冷藏混合物,直到變稠 变凝固(最好冷藏一夜)

從冰箱取出準備好的千层蛋糕糊 至室溫:

不粘鍋中火,做第一片时候锅里喷一点点油。在锅内均勻分佈大約 ¼ 杯麵糊 ;快速的旋转锅子以便面糊均匀覆蓋锅底。第一面40秒左右或直到底部千层蛋糕皮成為淺金黃色。使用乾淨的手指,輕輕地翻开千层蛋糕皮翻转到另一邊继续煎20 秒鐘。放到準備好的烤盤上。 重複此過程,直到你有 20 张完美的薄餅。注:刚开始时您可能需要做幾张练练手。我通常会做出25-27张7英寸的饼皮。






鲜奶油加 糖用打蛋器打发到中性发泡,就是提起搅拌器奶油的尖是硬的但是还是一边倒。輕輕地把榴莲果泥糊加入到刚刚打发的奶油里,轻轻的搅拌均匀后再加入到前一晚準備好的奶油糊里轻轻的拌匀。

如果你对打发奶油有疑问,可以看看漾漾美味的奶油打发视频: http://bbs.wenxuecity.com/cooking/1516758.html  保证受益匪浅。

20 層的千层蛋糕:
蛋糕板上放置一张 千层蛋糕皮。
用另一张千层蛋糕皮覆蓋並重複这个过程,直到達到 20 層。

冷藏至少 2 小時。當準備食用时撒上糖粉或加点水果装饰。

Jelly Fish And Cucumber Salad/海蜇皮凉拌小黄瓜

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Jelly fish is seafood, but it is not fishy at all. It tastes more like vegetable, crunchy and tasteless. This is again another summer dish that is healthy and delicious.

2/3 English cucumber

Salt 1/4tsp

60g Jelly fish


Balsamic vinegar 1tsp

Light soy sauce 2tsps

Sugar 2tsp

Sesame oil 1/2tsps

Chicken bouillon 1/2tsp

Minced garlic 1/2tsp

Hot oil 1/3tsp(optional)

Peel then cut cucumber into small chunks; add salt to marinate for 10 to 15 minutes. Drain the water after 10-15 minutes.

Mix all ingredients for sauce together, and set aside.

Cut jelly fish into small strips. Make sure squeeze all the water out of the jelly fish.

Mix everything together and serve it right away.


2/3 条英国黄瓜

盐1/4 茶匙







芝麻油 1/2 茶勺

鸡汤1/2 茶勺

蒜茸1/2 茶勺

辣油1/3 茶勺 (可不要)


把黄瓜去皮后切成小块加入盐腌10至15分钟。10-15 分钟后把水倒出。

将所有的酱汁配料混合在一起, 放在一边。


把所有的材料混合在一起, 马上吃。

Bitter Gourd With Egg/苦瓜炒鸡蛋


As for Chinese, this is a very common dish for summer time. If you cook it the right way, it is not really bitter at all. The secret is when you cut the gourd open in halves, you use a spoon to scoop out the seeds then the white part of the gourd. Bitter gourd is very good for cleaning your digesting system which will help to keep a smoother skin.

2 medium size Chinese bitter gourd

2 eggs

Salt 1/8tsp for egg

Salt ¼ tsp for bitter gourd

Chicken bouillon 1/2 tsp

Sugar 1tbsp

Pinch of white pepper powder

Vegetable oil 3 tbsps


Slice the bitter gourd really thin

Beat up the eggs with salt and a pinch of white pepper powder together

Add oil to a skillet and heat it up a little, add the bitter gourd and sauté for 2 minutes. Add salt, sugar and cook with cover on for another 2 minutes.

Add the egg to the bitter gourd, don’t stir right away, and wait for the egg on the bottom is kind of firm then start stirring, when all the egg is firm, add the chicken bouillon, mix well then turn the heat off.


多吃苦瓜对身体很有宜的。 苦瓜可以清热解毒,只要处理得宜,苦瓜也可以不苦的。把苦瓜切半后,挖掉里面的籽,然后再用一把汤勺把里面白色的部分挖掉就好了。 这样煮出来的苦瓜好吃不苦。



盐1/8 茶匙加蛋里的


鸡粉1/2 茶匙







把油加到煎锅里, 加热少许, 加入苦瓜炒2分钟。加盐, 糖后盖上盖子再煮2分钟。

把鸡蛋加到苦瓜上, 不要马上搅拌, 等底部的鸡蛋凝固了, 然后开始搅拌, 等所有的鸡蛋都凝固时, 加入鸡粉, 拌匀均匀后关火。


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One large ripe avocado

½ Roma tomato, diced

2tbsps diced red onion

1 tablespoon finely chopped fresh cilantro

½ tbsp. lime juice

Salt 1/5 tsp

Smash avocado with a fork after peeled and pitted

When it is smooth, add in lime juice, salt to the taste (you can add some black pepper too)

Finally add the diced tomato, cilantro and red onion and mix well. Refrigerate for a couple of hours.

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等到压的很烂了之后, 加人青柠汁,盐调味(也可加些黑胡椒粉)

最后加入切粒的番茄,洋葱和香菜, 搅拌好后放冰箱冷藏一两个钟头。

Seafood Fettuccine/海鲜意面


Lobster meat 100g

Mussel 6 pieces

Razor clam 6 pieces

Fettuccine ½ pound

White wine 1/2 cup

Butter 2tbsps

Minced garlic 2 cloves

Extra virgin olive oil 1 tbsp

Precook the noodles in a big pot of boiling water with some salt as directed on the package.

Add the extra virgin olive oil in a skillet, add garlic and cook until it is aromatic, add the clam and mussel and white wine. Cook with cover on for one minute, by now the razor clam should be ready, pick them out and discard the shells.

Continue to cook the mussels for 2-3 minutes with cover on then discard the shells too.

Add the fettuccine, lobster meat, clam and the butter, mix well. Add salt and black pepper to the taste. Garnish with basil.

If you have some spinach at home, it goes really well with the dish.  For the white wine, I used Pinot Grigio, it goes really well with seafood.







白葡萄酒1/2 杯






在煎锅里加入初榨橄榄油, 加入大蒜烹调到它香味出来, 加入蚬,贻贝和白葡萄酒。加盖子煮一分钟, 这时候蚬应该好了, 把它们从锅里挑出来, 然后丢掉壳。

继续盖上盖子煮贻贝2-3 分钟然后一样把壳捡出来丢掉。

加入面、龙虾肉、蚬和黄油, 拌匀。加入盐和黑胡椒调味。加罗勒点缀。

如果你家里有菠菜, 加点菠菜很好吃的。我用的是Pinot Grigio 白酒,这个酒煮海鲜很对味的。

Lobster With Fruit Salad/龙虾水果沙拉

lobster 3


Lobster meat 75g

Yellow kiwi 1

Small avacodo ½

Haden Mango 1/3

Mayonnaise 3tbsps

Condense milk 1tbsp

Dice everything into the same size pieces.

Mix mayonnaise and condense milk together first then mix it with the rest of ingredients.

Mix your sauce with the fruits when you are ready to serve otherwise it is going to be so runny like soup.  You can use any other kind of tropical fruits. Also do adjust the ratio of the mayonnaise and condense milk to your own preferences.










你也可以用其他的热带水果代替的。 至于蛋黄酱和炼奶的比例也可以自己调到自己喜欢的比例的。

Lobster Roll/龙虾卷


Hot dog bun 1

Lobster meat 90-100g (about one small size lobster)

Mayonnaise 1tbsp

Lemon juice 1/2tbsp

Chives  1/3tsp

Mix lobster meat, Mayonnaise, and lemon juice together.

Heat up a skillet; toast the hot dog bun until lightly golden brown.

Pour all the lobster to the hot dog bun and garnish with chives on the top.









热一个平底锅, 将热狗包煎到浅金黄色。
