Green Tea Crepe Cake/绿茶可丽蛋糕


昨天又做了一次绿茶可丽蛋糕,觉得比上一次又好吃了一点。 基本上没什么大改变, 还是一样的方子。 今天就把改进的地方讲一讲。

  1. 你要做多大的蛋糕就用多大的不沾锅来做可丽饼, 这样做出的饼就不要切边, 每张大小一样,边也齐整。 当然如果你有做可丽饼的锅又另当别论。
  2. 不要让锅子太热, 因为太热的话,浆一倒进去的时候就开始凝固了,就会造成饼厚度不均匀,一会蛋糕做出来就有高有底不好看,我这次拿个大盆子装一大盆的水, 每次做完一片饼后就把锅底放水上碰一碰,让锅子降温。 做出来的饼又薄又均匀。
  3. 饼做的厚度会直接影响到蛋糕的口感, 但也不是说薄到跟蝉翼一样就好, 因为太薄的话, 就会变的跟湿纸张晒干以后一样,凹凸不平。 这种情况很容易发生在可丽饼的边缘, 如果锅子太热,等到浆晃到边上的时候,已经没什么量了, 结果边上就特别薄还坑坑洼洼不平整。
  4. 等饼都凉了以后要涂奶油时,奶油的量要涂的对,很多人都会中间涂的比较厚,最后做出的蛋糕就中间很厚边很薄, 蛋糕看起来斜斜的, 不够美观。 通常饼皮就已经中间相对厚一点了所以反而应该边上涂多一点点。 一边做的时候要一边观察。 奶油不能涂太多, 太多蛋糕会歪, 但如果太少, 不好吃也不好看。 我偏向少涂, 这次还是少了一点。
  5. 蛋糕做完放冰箱冰几个小时, 要吃时不要从冰箱拿出就吃, 这样不好吃。 要放室温20-30分钟后再吃, 软软绵绵的。



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Yesterday,I made another green tea crepe cake; it tasted a little better than last time. I didn’t change much and I was using the same recipe. Today, I am going to share with you my improvement technique.

  1. You have to use the same size non-stick pan as the size of the cake you want to make. So you don’t have to trim the edge. Each crepe you make is going to be the same size. Of course if you have a crepe pan, then you don’t need to worry about this.
  2. Do not let the pan gets too hot because if it is too hot, then when you pour the batter into the pan, it starts to form the crepe right away and it will cause the thickness uneven, then the cake will not look good. This time I got a big pot of water, every time when I finished making a crepe I let the bottom of the pan touch the water to cool it down.
  3. The thickness of the crepe will directly affect the taste of the cake, but it doesn’t mean a crepe so thin like cicada’s wing will do any good, because if it is too thin, then it becomes the same as you dry a wet paper, it looks uneven. This is most likely to happen to the edge of crepe, if the Pan is too hot, wait until the batter gets to the edge, there is no enough batter to form the same thickness as the center.
  4. After the crepes are cold and ready for cream, the right amount of cream for each layer is very important too. Usually most people will have more cream on the center of crepe, then the cake will lean to one side. Usually the center of the crepes is thicker than the edge, so we should put a little more cream on the edge. Too much cream will make the cake slanting, too little won’t taste good or look good. I usually put less than they should be.
  5. Refrigerate the cake for a few hours after it is done, DON’T eat it right away after you take it out of the refrigerator. It will taste a lot more tender and softer after 20-30 minutes in room temperature.

Hope my summary  helps.

Cold Noodles salad/冷面沙拉





生抽 2.5大勺









熟鸡肉丝 5盎司

小条意面 3盎司

紫甘蓝 6盎司

小黄瓜 1条




香菜 2根



煮一锅水, 放入意面煮到熟,捞出晾凉备用。

如果你不介意吃生的紫甘蓝就可以把所有的菜和面条加入酱汁伴一伴就可以吃了。 我的胃受不了生的菜, 所以我把紫甘蓝加了点油炒2,3分钟稍微软一点后才和其他材料伴了吃。 吃时把花生碎加在面里一起吃。 也可撒一些芝麻。 这道凉拌面条好吃营养, 你可以加你自己喜欢的任何蔬菜来做。 你要是不喜欢肉, 也可以全素。



Olive oil 2 tablespoon

Light soy sauce 2.5 tablespoon

Hoisin sauce 1 tablespoon

Red wine vinegar 1 tablespoon

Sesame oil 1 teaspoon

Minced Ginger 1 teaspoon

Minced garlic 1 teaspoon

Brown sugar 1 teaspoon

Honey-1 tablespoon

Roasted peanuts 1/5 Cup

Shredded cooked chicken 5 oz

Thin spaghetti 3 Oz

Purple cabbage 6 oz

1 small cucumber

Carrot 4 tablespoons

Celery half stalk

Mini bell peppers 4

Cilantro 2 tablespoon


Mix all the ingredients for sauce together, mix well.

Shred all the vegetables

Boil a pot of water, cook spaghetti until they are done, drain, cool and set aside.

If you don’t mind eating raw cabbage you can mix all of the vegetables and noodles add sauce and it is ready to eat. My stomach can’t stand too much raw vegetable, so I added a little oil stir fry cabbage for 2, 3 minutes until it is tender then mix it with all the other ingredients. Add crushed peanuts when you are ready to eat, you can also sprinkle some sesame seeds. This cold noodles dish is easy to prepare and full of good nutrition. You can use any kind of your favor vegetables. If you don’t like meat then make it all vegetables.


Crab Cake/蟹饼


蟹肉 3-4 盎司

饼干碎 8块

蛋黄酱 1大勺


柠檬汁 ½大勺

葱花 2大勺



把所有的材料混合起来, 注意不要过分搅拌,可以捏成2个饼就好了。




Crab meat 3-4 oz

Club cracker crumbs 8 pieces

Mayonnaise 1 tablespoon

Egg 1/4

Lemon juice ½ tablespoon

Chopped green onion 2 tablespoons

A pinch of salt

A pinch of Black pepper

Mix all ingredients together, be careful not to over mix it, make 2 patties.

Add a tablespoon of oil in a nonstick pan, when the oil is hot, carefully place crab cakes, tune the heat to medium and pan fry each side about 4 minutes or until golden brown.




地瓜粉 ½杯


野葱花 1.5-2杯



虾茸 1/3杯

肉末 1/3杯


在一不粘锅里放一勺的油加热倒入1/3的面糊, 每面中火大概煎4-5分钟,或者煎到你自己喜欢的程度。

我有另外一个煎饼的食谱。 这个外面比较酥因为是用地瓜粉做的。用面粉做的就比较软。 看你喜欢哪一个。 但是很重要的材料是野葱,如果没有也可以用普通的葱花,当然味道就很不一样了。

2 eggs

Potato starch ½ Cup

3/4 cup of water

Wild chives 1.5-2 cups

1/4 teaspoon chicken powder

Salt 1/4 teaspoon

1/3 cup minced shrimp

1/3 cup ground meat

Mix all the ingredients together

Add one tablespoon of oil in a non-stick pan then pour 1/3 batter to the pan, pan fry each side about 4-5 minutes with medium high heat or until it is golden brown.

I have another recipe for pancake that is similar to this one. By using potato starch this one is crispier. And the other one is softer because it is made of flour.  The most important ingredient here is the wild chives, you can use regular scallion, then the favor will not be this good.


Avocado Sandwich/奶油果三明治





奶酪 丝2安司

鸡蛋切片, 奶油果切片。

在一片面包上面放上鸡蛋,奶酪,奶油果,撒上一点盐,黑胡椒粉,难后盖上另外一片。 其他2片也一样依次做出另外一个三明治。


这是一道简单又好吃的早,午餐。你可以放任何你喜欢的蔬菜来做。 我也做了烤过的彩椒加进去的, 香味扑鼻, 味道一级棒。


Bread 4 slices

Avocado 1

2 boiled eggs

Shredded cheese 2 Oz.

Slice the eggs and avocado

On a piece of bread Put eggs, cheese, avocado, then sprinkle with a little salt, black pepper, cover with another piece of bread.  Do the same for another sandwich.

Spray some oil on a small kitchen grill then grill the sandwich for 2 minutes. If you don’t have a kitchen grill, use a skillet will work too.

This is a simple and delicious breakfast or lunch. You can add anything you like to make this sandwich. I made one with the grilled pepper and it smells fantastic.

Pineapple Fried Rice/凤梨炒饭



冷冻青红豆+玉米 1/2 杯

火腿 ½杯

鸡肉丝1/3 杯

鸡蛋 2颗

白米1 杯

凤梨纵切开, 把凤梨肉挖出,取大约2/3杯的凤梨切丁来炒饭。

米淘干净后加一杯水放电放锅煮熟, 用隔夜的硬米饭来炒更好吃。


在一炒锅里加3 大勺的油加热放入鸡蛋炒到刚刚凝固,盛起。

同一锅中再加入3大勺油,油热了之后加入鸡肉和火腿丁炒2-3分钟, 鸡肉变白了就好了,加入青红豆和玉米, 米饭, 1//3茶勺的盐,1/3茶勺的鸡粉, 一点点的白胡椒粉, 快速翻炒均匀加热后加点青葱粒, 鸡蛋和凤梨丁炒均匀就可出锅了。


Diced Pineapple 2/3 cup

Frozen green peas, carrot and corn 1/2 cup

Diced Ham ½ Cup

Shredded chicken 1/3 cup

2 eggs

White rice 1 cup

Beat up eggs in a small bowl.

Pineapple cut open at lengthwise; cut the meat out of the pineapple.Take about 2/3 cup of the pineapple for fried rice.

Clean the rice then cooked with one cup of water in a rice cooker. Overnighted white rice is better to make fried rice.

Bring some water to boil then cook green peas, carrot and corn in water for 30 seconds then remove.

Heat up 3 tablespoons oil in a skillet then pour in eggs to make scramble egg then set aside.

In the same skillet add 3 more tablespoons oil, add chicken and ham and stir fried 2-3 minutes, until chicken turns white, then add green peas, carrot and corn, rice, 1//3 tea spoon of salt, 1/3 tea spoon of chicken powder, little bit of white pepper, stir fried the mixture quickly until rice is hot, finally add some chopped scallion, eggs and pineapple and mix well.

Chicken With Corn/玉米鸡


我曾煮过类似的菜-玉米虾, 但这次的玉米鸡用水煮过更健康。


鸡胸 ½磅

青红豆 ½杯

红椒 一点

松子 1/3杯

蒜末 1 颗

鸡肉切小丁,加1/4 茶勺的盐, 1大勺的料酒,一点白胡椒粉, 半个蛋清和1.5大勺的淀粉腌制至少30分钟。

炒锅中加少许油放入松子中小火炒1-2分钟。 小心不要焦掉。

玉米从玉米棒上切下来,红椒切成和玉米一样大小的粒。烧一锅水, 水开后放入玉米还有青红豆,水再开时煮2 分钟, 接着撒入鸡肉。 这时不要搅拌等到鸡肉浮出水面后再轻轻用勺子搅拌开来。 继续煮1-2分钟, 捞出。

在另一锅中倒入 ½杯水和蒜末, 水开后加入所有的材料, 加入1/3茶勺的盐, ½汤勺的糖,一点的白胡椒粉搅拌均匀, 再加一点的淀粉水勾个薄芡。 可以加点葱花点缀。

I had cooked corn with shrimp before, but this version of corn with chicken is healthier with less oil.


2 Large  fresh yellow corn

Chicken breast ½ pound

Frozen Green peas and carrot ½ cup

Red Pepper 3 TBSP

Pine nuts 1/3 cup

Minced garlic 1 clove


Chicken diced and marinated with 1/4 teaspoons of salt, 1 tablespoon cooking wine, a little white pepper, 1/2 egg white and 1.5 tablespoons of starch for at least 30 minutes.

Add a little bit of oil to a frying pan with medium low heat and stir fry pine nuts for 1-2 minutes. Be careful not to burn them.

Cut corns from the cob, cut the red pepper to the size of corn. Bring a pot of water to boil, add corn and green beans and carrot, when water comes to boil again continue to cook for 2 minutes, and then sprinkle the chicken into to the water too. At this point don’t stir until chicken come to the surface then gently stir with a spoon. Continue to cook for 1-2 minutes get everything out of water.

In another pan, bring ½ cup water and garlic to boil then add all ingredients, add 1/3 teaspoons of salt, ½ tablespoon of sugar, a little white pepper and stir well, then add some starch water to thicken it up. Add some chopped scallion for garnish.