


  • 蛋一定要室温。
  • 杏仁粉和糖粉要过筛。
  • 打蛋打到硬性发泡就要停,就是提起打蛋器时蛋白的尾巴应该短小挺立。 如果尾巴还软绵绵,打的不够。打完后蛋白一碰散的,一块一块的,打过了。打过头的话做出来的马卡龙会又扁又丑,还没裙边。每个人的打蛋器都不一样,所以速度也不同,不能光看食谱,要自己观察。
  • 拌入杏仁粉的时候不要搅拌过头。轻柔的画圈,我数了一下,大概35下。 搅的不够的话会有很大的裂缝,搅过头的话,会有小列缝,皮会很薄,还没裙边。拌好的面糊很平滑,拿起铲子可以自然而流畅的下落。应该很稠的样子。
  • 搅拌好后要快手快脚把它们装入挤花袋, 挤好。但不要急着烤,狠狠的把烤盘放桌上震几下,把空气震走。然后再放大概30分钟的样子等皮干。用指头去碰,不会粘手上了再放进烤炉烤。

我是按为爱走天涯 的食谱做的/, 因为我不喜欢甜的东西, 所以我又参考了其他的食谱。 适量调整的食谱但做法还是按为爱走天涯的。


  • 3 只蛋
  • 6 大勺白糖
  • 1 杯 + 1 1/2 茶勺杏仁粉
  • 1 1/3 杯糖粉



 将糖粉,抹茶粉和杏仁粉混合,倒入food processor。打十秒钟。然后用过筛













Strawberry cream filling: 1/4 条室温牛油打到发白加1大勺的糖粉加1大勺过滤过的草莓泥。打到成为cream. 可以用其他的莓果代替



Whole week this week I was busy making macaroons, and finally I was able to make some successfully today. Altogether I had done total 5 times. Now that I think of it, it seems it is not as hard as I thought. It is all about techniques, if you can’t manage them then you will fail. Making macaroon is a very delicate job. After all the practice, I do want to share some of my thoughts about it.


  1. Eggs must be at room temperature.
  2. Sift the almond flour and powdered sugar.
  3. Stop whipping when the egg white forms stiff peaks, it is when you lift the whisk the tail should be short and straight. If the tail is soft, then you do not whip long enough. If the egg white breaks into big chunks when you touch it, then it is over mixed. The result of over mixing egg white will cause macaroons to be flat and ugly, without any feet. Everyone’s whisk is different, so the speed is also different, don’t just fellow the recipes, use your own observations.
  4. It is very critical when stir in almond flour and powder sugar to the egg white. Gently fold the almond meal and confectioners’ sugar into the egg whites, retaining as much air as possible. I count about 35 folds when I made mine. Either under mixing or over mixing will cause macaroons to have a lot of cracks. Over mixing will make the shell very thin with cracks, also without feet. Meringue should be smooth and when you picked up the whisk the batter will run down smoothly and it should look thick.
  5. You should then quickly Spoon the meringue into a piping bag and squeeze all the macaroons. But don’t rush to bake them. Give it a few hard tap on the counter to get the air out. Then leave them at room temperature for about 30 minutes to form a layer of thin shell. You can test this by carefully brushing your finger over a macaron. If it is not sticky then it is ready for baking.

I used 为爱走天涯 recipe/, because I don’t like sweet, so I adjusted recipe for ingredients which has less sugar. But I still fellow the directions of 为爱走天涯.


  • 3 egg whites
  • 6 tablespoons superfine (castor) sugar
  • 1 cup + 1 1/2 teaspoons finely ground almonds
  • 1 1/3 cups confectioners’ sugar



Mix Powder sugar and almond flour then pour everything to the food processor, Pulse Ten seconds. Then sift.

Remove the almond flour particles.

Include Tata in the egg white (I didn’t add it), Whisk egg white until stiff, and add sugar in 3 separated times.

Whip the egg white with Low speed for 1 minute first and middle speed 3-4 minutes then last 1-2 at full speed.

When the egg white forms a sharp small triangle stiff form at the top of the whisk

Add almonds meal and powdered sugar.

Use the method of folding mix; do not draw a circle mix.

Mix until meringue is smooth and when you picked up the whisk the batter will run down smoothly

Quickly Spoon the meringue into a 14-inch piping bag. Set the piping bag in a glass so when pouring the batter would be more convenient for you!

Get 2 baking sheets covered with parchment paper or silicone pads. Squeeze the batter out evenly on the pad with the size of 1/1/4 of an inch or so in diameter, and the batter will spread a little so leave plenty of space.

Then tap the baking dish hard a few times to release the air, leave them at room temperature for 30-60 minutes, macaroons will form a thin crust on the surface, then bake at 325F/163 degrees, 12-14 minutes, or according to size of ovens and macaroons needed time to decide.

Strawberry cream filling: Whip 1/4 stick room temperature butter until it is white and fluffy, add 1tablespoon sugar, one tablespoon mashed strawberry paste. whip everything together.  You can use any other kind of berry.

After the macaroons cool down, you can add any kind of your favor fillings.

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